Sunday, September 14, 2014

Darling Pena

Living in two cultures 

Hi my name is Darling Pena I’m from Guatemala, I have been living in Chicago for two years, I love to live in Chicago, although I live in U.S.A now I never forgot my culture. I chose images about my country food, like example: eggs and beans, despite I live in Chicago but, I always cook my country food. And other example about my images is the Marimba, is national instrument. But the most part important for me, is the images about The Mayas (Mayan) are our ancestors. In my new culture U.S.A I chose images like music, games and more. Despite I have been living in Chicago for two years I love the new culture and I am still discovering a new things, and I enjoy this moment in my life.  


  1. you had dramn the picture of girl is prettily. there are a lot of culture between Guatemala and USA. I think you don't lost to your past; you would keep it and irrevocably assimilate America culture. you always cook your country food as nostalgia drifts in your brain. would you like to eat America food?

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  3. This is my favorite poster. I I like the way how your organized your poster, like the girl you drew in the middle of the poster,it is very creative and beautiful. By the way,what is your favorite post on the poster about your hometown.

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  5. Your poster is pretty, art, and cool design. It make me think about your left brain is America and your right brain is Guatemala. Both of them are still in your mind. You love here, but you've never lost your culture. What do you like the most in America?

  6. Hi, Darling! I like your poster, it is colorful. The girl that you drew impressed me very much. It is lovely. Are there any common between Guatemala and America?

  7. Hi Darling, I like your poster because it is the representation of two cultures in the same homework. Additionally is very important to keep he original culture living in America, but it is essential to have open mind to learn new things here. Congratulations!

  8. Hello, I like your poster because you got so many beautiful pictures on your poster. Also, you drew a really nice picture on the middle of your poster. So, do u like to draw?

  9. Hello Darling, I like your poster, there a so many beautiful pictures, and I like the girl you draw in the middle of your poster, she is so cute. And this is my first time to learn something about your country Guatemala. I feel that I want to visit your country someday.

  10. I like your poster so cute and special. And this style let us easy memorize.

  11. I like your poster. First thing is, it looks beautiful to me. Your poster make me think you like the both culture of your own culture and the U.S. culture. Also that make me think you are happy to move to U.S.. Am I right?
