Friday, October 3, 2014

wrap up


              The most important thing that I have learned in this unit is that people are the same and they all should be treated equally because we are all human. Everyone should be respected no matter what color or ethnic they are. People did not create themselves and no one has chose to be white nor black. I have learned a lot about other cultures. We should respect each other no matter where we were from. When I first arrived to the United States, I thought people will make fun of me just because my English was not that good, and that I will be facing some troubles finding friends, but I realized that I was wrong. People have helped me a lot to improve my English, and they became close friends to me. We all came from different countries packed with goals. We all came for a reason and we will have to follow the path to success and to achieve our goals. From our posters, I have learned a lot about other cultures, countries and I had the opportunity to meet with an awesome people and have them as friends. I also have learned about different types of food which made me a good cooker. It is great because I love food and I really enjoy it. freedom is what most people are looking for here in the United States which is a good thing to have the ability to say whatever you want, practice whatever religion you believe, and to share your opinion without getting scared of nobody. In this unit we have learned about cultural identity and a lot of great stuff. I also have learned not to be racist even though I'm not. I think it is time to accept people the way they are not the way they look, because at the end everyone has something to bring to the table. We should not accept people because of their color or how they look, because again WE DIDN'T CREATE OURSELVES.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Wrap up

        The most important thing i learned from in this unit of Cultural Identity is we should not have discrimination to the people who have different cultural backgroup with you. Instead, we should embrace them and respect them. We have more strenth if we learn from each other instead of crowd out people. I found out one thing from myself. When i first came to U.S, I think people wouldn't accept me here because i don't know english and any American cultural knowldge. People who come from a different cultural backgroud have a hard time to live in the new environment. Therefore, i think we all need understanding and respect.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

warp up

this picture include American's flag and Algerian's flag. the purpose of sharing this picture because a lot of things have changed, when I moved to the United States. When I came to the United States, I was thinking to study journalism. I was pretty sure that what I want. After I started school, I noticed that the method is totally different from my country (Algeria). For example, in my country in the second year at high school, we have to choose what we want to study such as if we want to study medicine, we need to take scientific classes, and if we want to do another major we cannot. Thats why I wanted to do journalism because I thought the system is the same in the United States. once I started to be close to choose a career, the supervisor explained me that I can choose whatever major I want to study. It is the big difference between  the United States and my country Algeria. in the United States we can feel comfortable to change our major, in Algeria the major is decidable at the high school and no way we can be comfortable to change it.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Cultural Identity Wrap-Up

Cultural Identity Wrap-Up By Ann

People come from different countries and they have different nationalities, different religions, different cultures, different languages, different attitude, and so on. I learn many things about cultural identity from my classmate's poster such as Chinese New Year, Chinese food, Japanese food, Vietnam food, Chinese musical instrument, Chinese zodiac, soccer in Colombia, and many attractive tourist in each country. Moreover, I learn many things in reading that I've never known before. For example, People Like Us is one of  interest articles. In the article told that American tend more and more often to marry people with education levels similar to their own and to befriend people with backgrounds similar to their own that make me think about class divisions and I think people tend to stick to what or who they were comfortable with. In addition, Home at Last is another article that is interesting.  In the article told that a feeling that has nothing to do with apartments, houses, or miles, but rather the sense that no matter how far you travel, or how long you stay still, there is no place that you can always return to, no place where you fully belong that make me think about losing, loneliness, and lack a sense of belonging to a communicate. The most interesting in the article are the author tries to find a place where he belongs and He feels that can build and belong to the community as well in a new place. In sum, whether we come from. No matter what color we are. No matter how different we are. Finally, we are also human beings that are on the same world.    

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Cultural Identity Wrap-Up

        People come from different countries with different cultural and it is interesting for me. I looked everyone's poster about their cultural identity such as China, Thailand, Algeria, Saudi Arabia and myself from Indonesia. All of them have different cultural. Nowadays almost in every countries such as in Indonesia  they share their cultural such as food and fashion. The place where i live in they served Chinese food, Thai food, Japanese food and many more. It shows that even we are not raise from the same countries or cultural they succeed to share their cultural. From the poster i learned a lot of different kinds of cultural.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Nhi Nguyen-Cultural Identify Wrap-Up

When I came to the United States . I knew that many people come to United States from different country , skin color, place, language around the world . They bring an ethnic background such as White American, African, Asian, Hispanic,. Many people still keep their cultures, but some are changing  culture. After Pop Culture class, I knew that one of the reason people come to US because they have problems in their country about life style or religion, or maybe something they don't agree with, so they move to US. They move because they want a better life or more freedom and comfortable, so they can decide it. I'm lucky because I don't have that problems. I hope that culture become integration engage people to people. 
Thank you.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Identity Wrap Up-Linda

       It is a interesting unit about  cultural identity that we learned from class in these weeks. We had read some articles that are talk about  cultural identity. In our class activities, students were made a poster that refer to the culture of their country. Many students did great jobs. I learned a lot different culture from these poster. At this time, I find out the US  is a magical nation, different people from different culture are closely live in a same land. In general, I like this unit of  cultural identity, it is great to learn about different culture that from the other country of the world.

Cultural Identity (Nancy Zhou)

In cultural Identity, I learned a lot of interesting things. Such as: different countries and different cultures on posters. I really enjoy watching these posters, I learned some countries I was never know, and also found something I already know when I was in China. I also red some interesting essays in the textbook. The most interesting essay for me is Do I Look like Public Enemy Number One? From this reading, I know in the past, it was hard to accept people from different countries, especially from some countries that had war with America. I think people in America could accept them now. Maybe people need time to learn how to accept others who have different cultures and different backgrounds.

My third Blog assignment Darling Pena

   Do I Look Like Public Enemy Number on

It is very interesting how some people don’t like to show the really culture. Some people is  intimidate for other culture, because some time events happened in their countries that marked the history of the country, like U.S.A  Some people do not feel comfortable with Arabic people, because they country  made an attack on U.S.A for this reason every year U.A.S remember the 9/11 for so many victims that leave this attack. Is very interesting how the countries can affect the identity of one person, more living in other country.

Identity Wrap Up

First of all, in this identity unit I learn so many things that were very interesting. Every time  when I reading a article I was so upbeat, because it keeps me thinking about some things that can be creative. For example, when I looked at the title of article it makes my mind come up with a lot of creative idea by imagine. However, I think the most important thing and the messages the teacher want us to know is that to understand what real culture is. Also, no matter what as all the people living together even the people has different skin color, different culture background we must get to know each other and accept different  culture from other county. In addition to have happiness, love we must stick together as a salad bowl. Let all the people who come from different places understand when we living in the same country ''We Are Family''.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Poster-My Home City

      Hi everyone my name is Teng, today I would like to talk about my poster
from pop culture class.Actually my poster has three parts it around my home city, the vegetable that are very famous, the soup and the famous person from my home city. Also, they are my favorite singer and actor. I was very like their movie and songs.
               Taishan City is located at South side of China, its part of Guandong. Also, Taishan include some of the neighborhoods. In the first 12 years of my life I was living there and I very missing those old day. I had never forgot the memories of my hometown.  Taishan City are famous at produce vegetarian, the vegetarian that are produce by Taishan is very fresh because the environment and weather are quite good to produce vegetarians. Have you guys tastes the winter melon soup ? Its very good its my favorite vegetarian soup ever.  My favorite singer&actor Danny Chan&Tony Leung they are Taishanese(They born in Hong Kong, but their parents are Taishanese.Danny Chan (1958-1993)was an famous cartopop singer in the 1980s. Danny also was an singer song writer,He was very good at singing love song. Because he sang every song with very deep emotion and his voice touching me deeply. According to what I know, Danny was the first generation of pop song idols in Hong Kong. In the early of his careers the song style was kind of joyful and positive. However, in the late of 1980s was kind of depress and upset, during the late1980s-1990 his careers had a lot of ups and down. In addition, personally , Dannys personality was kind of emotion, all of his emotions was showed in his songs. Also, since 1980s, a lot new singer came into the contest of singing, so he was unable to have enough inspiration to compost a news songs.In May15, 1992 Danny suddenly went into a coma, until October 25, 1993 he was die at 35 years old. After he was die, he was one of singer that has big impact at Chinese music community,Tony Leung one of the famous Chinese movie actor, during his career he had been won 18times Flim Awards.


Japan and Indonesia Pop Culture

My poster is about Indonesian and Japanese culture. First i will explain about Indonesian Culture. In

my opinion Indonesian food is very delicious. My favorite food are in that poster, Ayam Penyet,

Nasi Kuning and Mie Goreng Jawa. All of them are spicy. Indonesian people celebrate indent

pendents day on the 17th of August and wear traditional clothes called Batik for man and Kebaya for

women. Japan also has traditional clothing too. For men they wear Samurai and for women they wear

 Kimono. Nowadays people wear these clothes only in some special occasion or when they turn

21years old.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Cultural Identity Wrap-up

  In cultural Identity, I had learned there are so many different cultural people re-create their own culture in other country as their home. People like to share their culture to other different cultural people. Like food, fashion, music, or event that they usually do. On the other side, there has many racist between different cultural people. As I read the article ‘They got to be careful taught’ about the teacher racist and taught the children wrong country where they from. That can be really affecting what they think in the future. Anyways, I think cultural identity gives a lot of new things to people and make our life more colorful.

popular culture

Popular culture is very important to this social, it is around our lives. I learned what is popular culture. Popular means 
the common people or the population at large, and most of people chose or like. Culture means knowledge, values,
behaviors, and thoughts shared by society. Popular culture can be popular person, events, objects and common people
like or know them.  The four components of popular culture are objects, people, events and places. 

Algeria culture

Algeria is the biggest country in Africa, its located in north Africa. I couldn't share everything on one
poster to show the Algerian's culture. Algeria has 48 Willaya ( States), and every Willaya has it owns  
   tradition. As its showing on the poster I posted three pictures about different dresses. the first one

represent the people who live in Sahara, the second one represent Telmcen in the northeastern, and

the kabyle dress that where i am from. on the the lest side, there are some places that are amazing to

visit them such as the Sahara, the Mediterranean plage, and an amazing bridge that has a lot of  

history. on the top left there is the worries monument that represent freedom for the Algerians when  

they were colonized by France for 130 years.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Cultural Identity Wrap-up

              What we learned in popular culture is the different between malting pot and salad bowl. If the United States is malting pot or salad bowl. And I also learned that the U.S what the word "diversity" mean. I think the United States is kind like diversity country because some group of people just want to stick to the same people. I learned who the one that create rap music because of popular culture.


          My poster showed the holiday of the Chinese people. The Chinese have a different way of celebrate these holiday. The Chinese New Year is a great example. Other people will have party for New Year. What I get is a big red envelope and wear new clothes that day. The Chinese people think New Year mean The beginning of New Day. All the bad or good thing that happened will be leave behind.

Identity Wrap Up

In this identity unit, I've learned about what is culture.In this class, the culture unit have taught me culture is separate by melting pot and salad bowl. Also, in these weeks the class homeworks have made me realize the culture is a lot of different than I thought. Culture is a thing that we always remember in our mind, and it cause us what we have to avoid.Overall, I did learned many other cultures in this identity culture unit.

Popular and Culture

     Popular and Culture, two words to define the society. The concepts about those words are the most important thing I learned in this first part of the class, due to, we talk about the culture all the time but we did not know the proper meaning about it. Both words are the difference among the cities and countries and both reflect the history and the trend of the society. Likewise, to identify to a community throughout their icons, people, events, places and customs allow us to foreign persons, to be closer and understand many concepts and processes in The United States. Also, those meaning helped me to comprehend different aspects of my country, which are very common such as the customs, behaviors and attitudes In conclusion, Cultural Identity was useful to build a new connection with America.   

In this Cultural Identity unit, I understood what cultural identity is and affect people’s self-image such as: biological and cultural. There are is represent what people you are. In this unit, I learned that the children have to appear to learn how to grow and get used to the American culture before you start throwing all these new ideas at them. Children at that young of age don’t realize the differences in hair color, skin color and differences like that. I think melting pot is a best choice for describe term. It tells us that a place where a variety of races, cultures and believes into a cohesive whole. It’s different culture between United States and China. All new immigrant have to fit in to American culture and it is other new lifestyle.

In the Cultural Identity unit, I understood what cultural diversity was and the terms salad bowl and melting pot. The most important idea I learned in this unit was the salad bowl. Salad bowl means people do not lose the unique aspects of their cultures even they moved into another city. I think salad bowl is a better term to describe the immigrants in the United States. Immigrants moved into the United States but they still keep their own culture. They accepted American culture but they still want to keep their own culture. That is why we could find China Town, little Italy or Korean Town in different cities in the United States.